Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Kat walk (<--See what I did there? :))

Wow, another wonderful day with the Lord and his beautiful daughters. I cant say I know what its like to be a man. But I can say that I highly doubt they enjoy the small things like this woman does! :) I thoroughly enjoy being with Gods daughters. Im blessed everytime. Im not saying I dont love you Brothers, I do, 100%, but theres something about not having to have your guard up (For Godly reasons) that make it sweet. Im sure you fellas feel the same way about hanging with the Dudes. Just saying. :)

   Anyway, Kathleen had msged me on FB on Sunday about heading out do street walking. She had said that she was talking to a friend about witnessing and I came to mind. Which is totally an answer to prayer bc Id asked God to let ppl know that I love street walking. So I agreed and said Id love to. I knew during the day I was headed to Danielle's to practice a song that we'll hopefully be playing on sunday. So that itd have to be the evening.

   Im convinced God is always using every min of every day to teach us for the next. I say this bc as I walked into Danielle's house fear had me nearly paralyzed. "What are you doing here! Turn around, tell her you got lost, anything." (I want to note that I drive by her house nearly once a wk, though I didnt know exactly where it was I knew its where abouts within 100ft... so "lost" was a BAD lie. lol) I knock on the door and again ask the lord, "Really?! Can we just drink coffee and talk? I dont wanna do this!" We talk a little bit and then get to business. I tune my guitar and now the dreaded start has to be. As I told Danielle, the level of talent I have in vocal range is just above a dying baby bird, aka I SUCK! I finish the song and hope she retained it all. I know its VERY unlikely, but Gods done bigger things so why not? She informs me, nope, lets go again. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" was my exact thought. Before I start the second time I remind myself to not make it a big deal. If I just do it like shes not there than itll sound better than if I try and make it better. "Youve already told her you suck. You already are humble about it. Shes not expecting anything good. Just get it out."..... ...... now we're on the 3rd time and I find Im not fearing anymore. What? Hows that Lord? "Child, Im here. its fine." Thats when I realized I wasnt afraid and though I sucked I just had to go for it. And thats what God wants, even if its not played... he always wants us to just Go For it. Trust him.

 I shared that to share this. I hadnt realized what it felt like to be afraid and still do something before this song. I mean yea, Ive done things, but not COMPLETELY when in fear. So when Kat txted me and said yea lets meet up at 6 to do the street walking I was totally for it. After all this was WAY more in my comfort zone than the singing. And I felt like he was allowing me back within my box, not knowing that he really wasnt. lol.

  We got to Fitchberg and I find fear coming back into me. My mom was VERY scared of fitchberg. She preached to me all the time about not going there. Never alone. Always with a man. She was terrified of it. And so naturally Ive had a little fear whenever there. And here Kat and I are ready and willing to walk the streets, wherever they lead... (shes spinning in her grave at this point.) We walk the man rd for a bit, speak friendly to one woman, but Im just not good at keeping a convo up to bring Jesus into it. And so we bid fair well. Kat and I keep talking and I felt like we should walk down this rd that was darker. I told her that and that it looked dark and kinda scary. She agreed. Thats when I felt the fear.. and God. I said, "Lord, I wanna but, I dont feel its safe." he said, "Trust me. Ill keep you safe. I promise." Im still not sure and kinda hoping Kat says, "Nah, my spirits not right with it." But she doesnt. I hear again, "Trust me. If I kept Daniel safe I will you. dont fret. I WILL keep you safe." I told him with the most sincere heart, "Lord, I want to. Move my feet." I heard, "Be as fearless as you were earlier, with Danielle." And suddenly we were walking down the now darker street and heard, "This was a test. You wont find anyone on this street. But you will find where youre meant to go." So Kat and I kept walking and talking. We then start going down another road to an ATM and right before I saw it I had a quick vision of like toll booth like set up n the person either in the car or booth needing prayer and to be spoken to. I tell Kat this and ask if she knows what it means. She says, "well if this car comes around to the atm I do." And sure enough the car pulls around to it. Looking like stalkers and possibly theives the car doesnt roll down the windows and watches us. We stand and pray. "Intercession is really good too" Says Kat. #agreed. Knowing we're scaring the car we keep walking.
    Finding few people but buildings to pray over. Both old folks homes. Which speaks volumes because on the way down Kat had been saying she feels kinda lead to the elderly. So awesome.
   At the second home we were outside and it was like a short street almost. Straight and just yea, Idk, perfect. And as Kat was praying I didnt see, but FELT, there were angels literally all lined up and down the street standing together. It was AWESOME! Unexplainable. But awesome! I felt God say, "Theyre in my care." which was great. I know without doubt he was in that place. And was gonna answer our prayers. PTL!

  Im finding that the Lord is teaching me that sometimes our EFFORTS alone pls him. Not the results or the numbers of conversions, just that we are willing and WANTING to go out for him is pleasing. I learned a lot about trusting and breaking the bonds of fear today. Im so lucky! He gave me great fellowship and MANY laughs!

   Thank you Danielle and Kathleen for being there for God to use you in my life! So BLESSED!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Backpack Exchange

Yet again God lets me believe I am out to do good and teach but has plans to keep steady in teaching me. Im beginning to ask myself, even on the streets, "Krista June, when will you get it?"

  This sat we went out with the intentions of passing out filled backpacks to ppl in need. What I quickly discovered is that sometimes, more times then Id like, Im called to lead. That was the first new thing he'd spoken to me. God kept reminding me as I walked that he is with me and that Im to speak up, even when uncomfortable, and that I need to lead. Not entirely a fan of this, not in the least. But its a good thing to know I suppose.
  What I hadnt really been able to find words to is that the mission starts before we walk. Every mission should start with individual prayer. Followed by group, and then the walk. This seems to be like, "well, der, Krista. Thats obvious." But when he spoke this to me I heard him say, "You seek me so despertly while on the streets. You want me to answer you so badly. But while youre in your home, do you speak to me on these peoples behalves? Are they just as real to you there as they are now?" My heart wasnt happy to hear these things, because yes, I do think about these people. And yes, I do pray for them. But what he was trying to tell me was that even those I've not met and encountered, they too need prayer. Ya see, because Im GREAT at praying for those Ive met and come to know. But those Ive not... I tend to see as fictional characters in a book. Which, we clearly know isnt good. So, that was the big lesson I learned.
  I also learned that when God tells you to do something. Do it. Even though it doesnt make sense. Just trust. God told me a couple weeks ago to start getting into spanish again. So throughout the last wk or so Ive been racking my brain and trying to remember all I could. Honestly, I didnt do too well. And I shouldve, as he told me to, put time into it more deeply. We ran into a man who barely spoke english. And I could tell he was spanish speaking. Out of no where as Charlie was about to say bye I jumped in with spanish. I dont recall what I said. But it wasnt anything fluent! lol. I found myself quickly racking my brain trying my best to communicate with him. I knew enough, words I couldnt remember throughout the week like, "Corazon" and "Sabes". It was like God was coming into my brain and arranging the language I once kinda knew somethings to. It was crazy. The man went off as if I was fluent and though I didnt understand all the words I knew what he was saying. I wanted to keep talking but we were in a slight hurry and Im not sure Id know enough to have continued on much further. But we gave him a full bag and he was excited. He said he was going to share with some ppl he worked with. Which was awesome. What makes this amazing to me is that Id recalled the language some, just on the spot, under pressure (I DONT think well under pressure) and whats more amazing to me is that I JUMPED in WILLINGLY in the language. lol... Ive NEVER done that unless absolutely needed.

  I guess the real conclusion of this was that God knows not just the day we're in but the future as well. The wks ahead. So do whatever he says and trust youll need it.

  After we all met up again and I found myself walking with my friend, Tiffany. I was laughing pretty hard and couldnt stop myself. She wasnt doing a thing but standing there and walking. But as her tiny little self was all bundled and equipped for the cold I couldnt stop laughing. She, in typical Tiff fashion, started laughing with me. Trusting that it wasnt anything bad I was laughing at. She kept asking what? But I couldnt answer her. I didnt know why exactly I was laughing. As we were walking it came to me, and I realized it wasnt really that funny, just happy. What I realized was that words Id searched for a long time hit me in spirit. She has a heart that is super large. Always giving and wanting to be a care taker. As I thought of the mission I realized there wasnt anyone better for it. Her husband, Adam, is also the same way. But in an entirely different form (or so it seems). He's more of the "I dont wanna be left out! LETS GO!" kinda man. And Tiff is more "Let me stay behind the scenes" kinda woman. Both remarkable. And what God was telling me was that, the laughing and joy I felt standing there was what the ppl we speak to (then and in the future) feel. My body felt a little uneasy at first, frightened that I didnt give that feeling to others, that only the ppl I walked with let the spirit flow so amazingly. But as we crossed the street and I waved and thanked the van for letting us cross Tiff made a joke to which I replied to sincerely, and as the words left my mouth I concluded to the fact that I too had that joy shine out of me. What I said was, "A lot of ppl dont like me. Im ok with that. For the ppl who dont usually like me dont bc of Christ. And if thats the case ok. bc eventually he'll shine through and change them." At which point a gentlemen whom Id just met turned to me and said, "I can fist pump that." And put out his hand.

   I swear God just, everytime, teaches me more about him and myself than I get to to the ppl. It upsets me in some ways because I want to blow your minds with what he's done with his ppl. Adam Haavisto has an amazing story. I encourage you speak with him about Eric (I think was his name.) Gods SO GOOD!

   I feel Gods telling me to just write without thinking for a moment so Im gonna...

"I am the Lord of all. I care for all. I dont abandon and I dont foresake. Yes, you. The ones eyes who reads this. Im not leaving you. I love you. Carry your words carefully for they have great meaning and intense outcomes. Change your heart and you change your life. Walk with me and dont be decieved. You are cherished. Held and breathed for. Carry on and dream, but dream in me. For I am the dreamcatcher and maker. Krista, child, you are done."

 Whoa, Ok, so I literally just wrote that, didnt reword or change any of it. So I think its meant for some eyes, or myself later in life. lol. Im not even entirely sure what I wrote or if it flows. Ill reread once I publish.

 Thanks guys! Love ya,


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Walking w/the YWAM crew; Cambridge, MA

 Good Ol Kate told me about wildfire heading to Boston for outreach. What I didn't know is Id be given a small taste of what my future will look like. As we jump in the car headed for Boston I hear we're headed to the YWAM base in Boston. What I didn't completely put together until we were in their parking was that, we were teaming up with these troopers! #sweet!shipit!
   Instantly I felt God rising up in me. I felt the need to introduce myself and just as quickly as God was rising in me I felt "These are my brothers (3 men were walking before me), and I am their sister." WHOA! Never in my life have I felt that without even knowing someone's name. We had some time to spare so they each introduced themselves and I found myself excited and hoping when in Nashville I have a group come to us wanting to witness. They quickly taught us the "Book of no words" as a tool to use while witnessing. As Brandon and I partnered up to practice the first couple pages I knew instantly I wasnt going to be using it in all its entirity but itd be good to have on me. (He rocked it btw. lol) After we learned this we did a tour of the building they are redoing... and let me tell you... its HUGE! And AWESOME! I cant wait to see it when its finished. SO GOOD! Above is a pic of me on the roof that has a pretty cool view.

   Shortly after we split into two groups. Myself, Darrel Seppala, Sarah Aho, Nikki Aho, Israel Shaw, Hannah Ketola, Ben Ketola, and others Im certainly forgetting found our way to Harvard Square (Or so Im told thats where we were. Truth be told I was along for the ride til we arrived. lol) along with a number of Ywam'ers. Aaron, the Ywam leader (or one of) asked us women to pair up with a woman from their school. I was instantly paired with a wonderful woman of God, Jenny. Literally just meeting for the first time and already I knew we were paired for a reason. I later, shortly later, discovered why. We pulled out the hand drum and guitar and started worshipping. I saw these two men walking and then just completely stopping. Hanging around trying to listen but not be obvious they were. Jenny then told me she was waiting for hear from the Holy Spirit to lead her where to go. I seconded her. "I am too." Thats when I felt I really needed to speak to these guys. They found a seat beside but not involved within the group. Which I found curious. I started to pray, "Lord, if Im to speak with them pls send Jenny to break the ice. Then Ill know." Not a min later Jenny is walking her way on yonder...breaking the ice. These two men were/are men of God. They heard allalua (how do you spell it? lol) And said they wanted to hear more because they used to do something like that in a school theyd attended and hadnt done it in a few years. I knew INSTANTLY God was relighting a fire that was dwindling. PTL! Jenny after a few moments of talking, not too in depth, asked if we could pray. I got SO STOKED! MY TURN TO ROCK IT!! (Im a prayer Warrior... I LOVE LOVE IT!) Jenny not knowing me all but 5 mins turns to me and says, "Wanna pray? I know you do. I feel it." #YESIDO!!! So... to prayer we go. We continue to talk for the next hour, maybe two. At which point we learn more about these gentlemen and Jennys friend from the UK (Also a ywam'er... I think Amanda???) comes in and starts talking too. We were no longer "witnessing" but "fellowshipping" and I felt Gods love all around me! After some time Aaron said it was time to leave for our new friends and so now its was WF (Wildfire) crew left. Rewind a little while I was fellowshipping Id seen Sarah sit down in a group of ppl and I said, "Lord I admire that. Teach me how." So... ywam has now left... "Lord, build the courage...."
    "Hey, will you go into PINKBERRY with me?" Says Nikki. Sure. We go in and get a woman she'd spoken to a coffee. As Im turning the corner D says, "Krista! You wanna pray for these ladies?" My heart jumps with excitement! "YEA I DO! LETS GO!" I ask for anything specific. I hear, "A husband for her." And my heart sinks. "Lord, Ive been praying these things for myself. Youve yet to answer in the least. How do I pray confidently for her, when Ive been doubting youll answer for me?" I hear, "Child, you trust me. Pray in that trust. She needs to hear that trust." "Oh boy lord.... ok... Ill try." I turn to her friend, "and you?"... This is where I feel stupid. She looks down at her belly and holds it, "Well, um... yea just for this little thing..." YEP! She's very pregnant. lol. I had NO idea! #GoKrista! lol. In my heart I say, "Lord, I feel you here. Is it in them or us Im feeling it?" "No, no, you feel right. They are of me. Pray as so." So I do.... again after we keep talking and joking.... and passing info back and forth. SO GOOD!
   During these quick 5 mins I still see Sarah with a larger group around her. Her fitting right in. "Lord, how?!" I see Sarah holding a rat. Yes, a rat. And yes, its a pet. lol. WAY IN! The women and I talk a short bit longer then they have to continue on. D and Nikki walking around and finding people I feel suddenly bold enough to go sit with Sarah.
  Thats when God, yet again tells me, "Be still. NOT NOT NOT outspoken for me. LISTEN!" Not knowing really how to do this I decided I was to follow Sarah's lead. She'd been sitting there, accepted, and with peace for a few hrs. She had started a bond and I wasnt to break it. She starts speaking to a man, whom honestly my heart breaks for. He claims Satanism as his religion. He said, "people think it (Satanism) is worshipping Satan. Its not. Its having complete belief in yourself." My heart sunk. So fleshly. I wanted to say so much. But God reminded me, "Still." Sarah continued asking a few questions after moments of pondering. She asked what made him believe in it. He shared that anytime he turned to God he was denied. He grew up in a christian home. And everytime he turned to God he wasnt answered. He asked both of us if when we pray are we answered. We replied honestly, "Yea, usually. Not always right away but yes. We hear him." He told us he never did. He lost 3 people incredibly close to him and he asked for Gods healing hand each time. And never once did God heal. Sarah and I felt the same... heartache. We wanted to hug him. And she even told him that. Which was SO awesome! As the convo died down we thanked him for speaking with us at which point he said, "Thank you guys for not trying to convert me and just listening. So many people who come here just try and convert." He said it with such sincerity it blew my mind. And I was reminded of what we're called to do. LOVE LOVE LOVE! NOT convert! Like anger is a secondary emotion converting is like that to faith. LOVE causes change. Nothing else.
     After awhile the woman Sarah had started talking to came back and asked me what my denomination was. I love this question because it breaks the chains of religion. We shared non. And that drew in another gentlemen whom I had the priveledge of listening to, as Sarah asked the questions. He, like so many, was educated. Knew scripture and some history. Again... just listening. I could feel Sarah feeling what I was... love. And I ENCOURAGE ya'll to speak to her about all she has to offer on this night. She experienced more than I and heard more than I. It was so good! But one thing she said was that the entire time we were speaking to the 2nd man, the first was listening the entire time. She "Felt it". PTL! Friendship is so important.
   As we were saying our Goodbyes a gentleman whom we spoke with all but 3 mins said, "Thanks for stopping by and hearing us." WOW! #humbled.
  As we were heading to the van we again ran into the two women we spoke to earlier and they were waiting for the shuttle to bring them back to the hotel. lol... waiting for over 30 mins we offered them a ride. After a short talk/debate they joined us and we dropped em off. SO GOOD! Christ flowing through us ALL! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
   As usual, we talked the way home all about it. Prayed. Stopped for food. Shared. Prayed. Laughed. And then GOT home! lol.

 God is so good! He's teaching me so much! Culture, how to just love and be a friend. That I am loved. Loveable. Easy in spirit. And that its not up to me to do anything but be who he's made me to be. I cant fathom that totally but yea... as the Genie says in Alladin... "just BEEEEEE yourself!" lol. Each walk I am humbled and touched by the lives we experience. There's so many people out there and Im realizing Ill never know them all but the ones Im blessed to encounter... they are beautiful and amazing! PTL! Gods so awesome!

Love you,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Street Witnessing (Fitchberg, MA) "Humbled"

   The night begins with myself and 3 brothers jumping into a car and not really knowing where we're going other than to "The Berg". I can honestly say that instantly I knew this outreach was going to be more for myself than the ppl we encountered. God revealed to me that I was to listen... NOT speak. I was to be STILL not active. To be completely honest with you, this is NOT who or what I'm typically called to do. At least not with the witnessing. But within the same breath I had complete peace and willingness to achieve this calling. To be sure I was to do this as my calling I went into singing prayer. AKA- Grabbed the guitar and started singing my heart out. As I was I kept seeing a man with a big beard, longer hair and a dark jacket. (This is relevent later). God continued to tell me, "Child, You are hearing me correctly."
   On our way there we had some prayers we lifted up. And as one of my brothers was praying in tongues I felt he was going to be teaching me lessons about myself. When he spoke in english he shared exactly, to a T, what was on my heart. I was mind blown. I was praying (in my head) that I'd die to self and be only as he'd desire. It was then my brother mentioned of how he felt we had to let go of ourselves and that we are being like God. :) That is just an example. He did this 4 or 5 times. WHOA!
   My other brother, Tim, had told us he thought we should head to the mall area. Within a moments time him and the brother above (Brandon) had someone they were to speak with. As they stayed outside to speak with him myself and D went inside. After finding ourselves a few friends and chatting a bit with them we found ourselves a seat and a gentleman sitting across from us. And could you guess what he looks like? Yep. A big bushy beard, dark jacket, and longer hair. D went and sat beside him, just out of earshot. I wanted to go and listen but I felt as I did before leaving... I was to sit back and be the prayer. So I did. After awhile the mall closed and we had to depart. D instantly told me, "He knows Jesus. He's homeless too." Through the little bit I did hear I wasnt surprised by this. And by the huge hole in his shoe I again wasnt surprised. We lifted him up in prayer as we walked our way out to the lot and searched for what God was calling us to next, for "the night is still young"- D. lol
    As him and I stood on the corner talking to people as they walked by we turned after a few moments to find our 2 brothers walking towards us... hands FULL of food as they excitedly ask us if we're hungry bc they "hit the mother load!" lol (Love these guys!) We each ate a piece and then D said with SUPER EXCITEMENT "Dude! We just spoke with a homeless man!!" Tim naturally..."LETS GO FIND HIM! SHOULD WE! WE'LL GIVE HIM ALL THIS!" Now when I echo their words "hit the mother load" they were NOT kidding! Lol... we had enough to eat and still feed 4 more people. lol So, we jumped into the car to seek our new friend. And this is where the adventure truly begins....
     We drive around the lot, cant find him. We stop at Denys and nothing. We then head to MB for some people said he may be in that area. D then jumps out and runs into the liquor store and asks if they know of him. They said no, but told us were we could possibly go look for him. Tim comes back and asks for these big sandwhichs that we had. He brings them back into the cashier and leaves them there for the homeless that come in hungry. AMEN! SO good! At this point we have just a couple slices of pizze left and still no friend. But like detectives we have leads. So, like a true detective does we followed up on them. lol. And this is where I'm SOOOOOOO Thankful to have had 2 Bioligical Brothers and grew up in the woods like I did. Because we were being called to the woods. Legit folks.. the woods! Where we found a river and a way to cross it. Lol... Im laughing at this because we had NO idea the river was there. But boy... we found out quickly. And when we did, we all knew we were suppose to cross. But me being the girl was like, "If theres a bridge, we'll cross." And truth being told, I never thought we'd actually find a bridge. But God never fails to amaze me and within a short times walk I hear Brandon say, "Hey look they made a bridge!" And oh yea they did! lol. With a shopping cart, tree branches and small, thin, 2x4's we had our way into the deeper parts of the woods.
   We follow the paths clearly made by continual walking and the Holy Spirit we walked... and walked...and walked... and prayed... and climbed and walked.... stopped...prayed... and walked. lol. Ok so not quite this much...on our first half. My spirit this entire time was uneasy. I had mentioned before leaving the car, "Its times like this i wish I spoke in tongues." I knew my brothers didnt understand what this meant to me was something was in my spirit that my mind couldnt explain. As I was walking the feeling wouldnt fade. So in typical Krista fashion I fell behind to talk outloud to myself. This is when the Lord started to really rock me.
   I looked ahead and fearless, determined Brandon is leading the way. WHOA! Lord, I need to be more like that, eh? Not scared but trusting in you? Yes, child. Then I see Tim. WHOA! Lord, I need to be more willing to just go out no matter what and have willingness to surrender my will, eh? Yes, child. Then I see D. WHOA! Lord, I need to be quick to lead, just as quick to follow, and have words of compassion 24/7, eh? Yes, child. WHOA!!! The more I walked and followed the more my brothers spoke to me. The more they humbled me. They all had a willingness and desire to NOT quit til they found anyone. I was in the same heart, I didnt want to stop til I found someone too, but when I looked at them I saw the spirit of Love all around them. They were FULL of love and desire to do anything they had to. So awesome!
   Brandon reminded us on one of our stops of what he had said in the car. (Though I dont think he recalled it.) He said, "whoa, God just showed me, like we're being like him right now. Like this is what he does to us, he pursues us constantly. And has determination. He doesnt stop. Thats his love for us." So GOOD! And with that we decided to continue onto the other half of the pathway.
   On this side of our walk it was very simlar to that of the first half. A lot of walking, prayer, and no results... as for people. But god continued to rock me. Again, my brothers walk boldly into the dark and unknown. I have a lot more peace about it on this side of the walk and Im ready for anything, but I realized only because I was following their lead. God then revealed to me, "Child, you'll need to be like them all collectively, at one time, when at YWAM." My thoughts echoed as so...in a surrendered, beaten tone, "Ah, CRAP! Whats there for me Lord!? Ah, I wont worry now about it. Pls just prep me." lol... I felt like a beaten dog spiritually. Not in a bad way. I was just at the point of I need you. Im nothing without.
   After walking in the woods for about an hour and a half we decided we would go to either McD's or deny's. And though Im not sure how we ended at McD's its where we'd stay til about midnight (maybe a little before). This hear I encourage you to go and speak to the men about. Because again, I was called to be in the back. I again was out of ear shot of a lot of important info. However I will share what they shared in the car.
   We ran into a group of about 10-15 guys (only one girl). And they were a gang. But NOT the type of gang that we usually think of when we say gang. I.e... you are NOT allowed in this gang if you arent going to school. You are to be GOOD citizens. They were very honorable men. They refused money or help of any kind unless from each other. They were brothers in every sense. They'd hit eachother as play, tell each other like it is, not hesitate to deck eachother if felt it was needed, bum butts/lighters etc if needed.... in every way like brothers. Brandon told us later that they had rules that were beyond schooling... that their thoughts were if we get you when you're wrong we will help you to grow and be a model citizen. As I write now I think of it almost as it takes a village to raise a child thought process.
   Within this group they asked us questions and D and Brandon did a lot of sharing. They even asked to hang out another time. But what I think is most cool about this entire thing is that they mentioned to us that another kid had stopped and spoke with them a few days before. Who they described was our AWESOME Brother, Brycen, and AMAZING Sister, Karissa. Gods planting seeds like no ones business! Ship it!
   Also, while we were there D and Tim had gone inside and spoken with a group of young men. One who was Christian and attends or runs? a youth group at his church. Him and Tim exchanged numbers and on our way home he shared with Tim that they changed his life! And that he was talking to his friend on the way home about Christ and his friend didnt really wanna hear it. But his thoughts were this, "Im just there to plant the seeds." WHOA!!! This is all I know of their talk with these guys, but I encourage you to speak with them about it!!
   It was VERY COLD after a few hrs speaking with these guys and we were getting tired. So we agreed it was time to head on home... for we still wanted to visit a friend at work before calling it an evening. And I wont go much into our visit other than it was awesome and this story with the Cop.
   So, we're heading to where she works and D is going a tid-bit quick... 47 in a 30. The blues come on, and because we dropped Tim off at home there is noone in the front seat. Just D driving and Brandon and I in the back. This already looks weird. The cop comes up and lets us know right away we're being recorded. He asks us where were going. Where D doesnt answer but asks instead if he knows Jesus. (This is where I wanna note I knew this was gonna be the best pull over Ive ever part taken in.) The Officer says, "Yea. Well, I know of him. I dont know him personally." D says, would you like to? Brandon and I are laughing hard at this point. While D is asking this he is looking for his license and reg.... or so we thought. Apparently just his license. He finds it and hands it over. The Cop is laughing and in a good mood. D continues to look at him... Officer asks where we were coming from... we told him witnessing from Fitchberg etc. Finally the Officer reminds D... I need reg. "OH MY! Im sorry" Says D. "I promise Ive not been drinking" OH BOY D! lol. The cop then turns to us and asks with a smile, "So, how much has he really had to drink?" At which point I feel God telling me to say, "Only drunk in the Holy Spirit." So I do. Again, all 4 of us are laughing. The officer walks back to his car. We're laughing slightly to then realize.. whoa he was going FAST. So we start praying for favor. After a little bit he comes back and with a smile says, "Look, here's your stuff. Its a written warning. It shouldnt be! I am biting the bullet for you on this one. Please do me a favor and slow down. Like, Im really biting the bullet and will likely hear about this. Please, keep it slow." PTL! :) We thank him full heartedly! As he's walking back to his car we instantly lift him up in prayer. Thanking him and praying his boss has favor on him! :) SOOOOOO GOOD! I want to note how cool this is because D was getting gas and shared this story with a woman who said, "I got my license suspended for going 47 in a 30." WHOA! lol.... GOD YOU ARE SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!

 I suppose through this entire thing what I learned the most is that when you are still when called to be still god really wants to work in YOU! And also that though he may send you to the woods to find nothing, you never walk out with nothing. Instead you find prizes and jewels within yourself. Sometimes He'll send you to the woods to grow you. Where there is nothing... you seldomly will find nothing with God. Im incredibly blessed!

 I wanna note that Im unsure how to spell D's name which is why I've written it as so. So I'll just write it once as Darrel Seppala just so you know who it is. And D I'm sorry if I got it wrong!

 I hope this finds you all so well! :)

Love you,
Krista June

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Short Story in My Life- "The Surrender"

     God's been revealing some major things in my life. The biggest thing as of late is how testimonies never fall short of reaching others. You're probably saying, "Well der, Krista, clearly." And I'd agree, that isn't the news revealed to me. I guess what I'm finding is that it runs deeper. There's accepting Christ into your heart and then there's living for him. Obviously the first step is HUGE but I feel like everyone thinks the second part comes by the first. And I dont think that's truly the case. I believe (with the help of Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind) that there's a point after we recieve Christ that we surrender.
     See accepting Christ is accepting that there's someone bigger and grander than ourselves. And we WANT to surrender. But I really haven't seen in anyone's life were they were able to accept and then BOOM dive into living out their lives for him. I think its a process that eventually we all reach because we long for it, but its never or seldomly in one act. To maybe explain better what I mean I'll share some from my own life and maybe that'll help to clear things up.
     At age 18 I became a Christian. I had a new fire that wanted to burn for Christ. But truth being told I didnt know what that looked like. I needed to know more of the bible and more about Jesus. I think this is the learning stages. We dig into him more and more. But here's what I've found... and was certainly true for myself, we get overwhelmed with all this knowledge (I forgot I had a lifetime to get it all lol) and instantly i was striving to be perfect. While on the other hand we (I) sometimes feel (felt) that just accepting him is enough. And I'm not saying that its not enough. Im not making rules here. NO NO! I hate rules. That's when faith turns to religion. And I HATE RELIGION! I guess what Im saying is that Jesus pursued me til I was 18, and then he got me. From 18 to the end of my 25th yr I was floating. I had the heart of God in many ways. I tried my best not to sin and I lived according to my morals. At no point and time during these years was I not Christian. I didnt always make the right choices or seek him first but if I had died I was going to heaven.
    But in April of 2012 (the end of my 25th yr) I had a heart to heart with a friend of mine. It was a talk about dating non-christian men. This talk went on for a long long time. She said one thing so intensly that it changed my life forever. And I do not believe it was her speaking but the Holy Spirit through her. She said, "You believe or you dont. You cant pick and choice which parts of his word are true and false." WHOA! Something hit me hard. That's what I had been doing. There were somethings in the word that I simply questioned as truth. And realized all of a sudden, there was nothing to question. That night I had gone home and opened my bible and instead of reading it as "God prove you love me like these words say" and doubting them, I read them as if that previous friend was writing them to me. So instead of Paul writing a msg to his friends, it was her writing it to me. I had to do this for a wk or so and then I was free. This moment was when I surrendered. I said, "Ok, Lord, make me new and like you." From that moment on I've not feared speaking what he's told me to. I've stepped in boldness knowing he's there. I've been told of my gifts and I recieve them as truth. And my world has been ROCKED! I've never wanted to speak or be around people so much in my entire life!!!!!
   Maybe I should have shared this before but Ive always been a very independant person. Im super intreverted, meaning being in groups takes a lot of energy and being alone gives it to me. I now get bummed if Im not with someone at least for a little bit daily. God has truly renewed and transformed my heart. That fire I spoke of before is now not a lighter in my heart...its an entire bon fire. I have no desire but to go out and share with people. Talk to them and just love them. When I say talk to them I dont mean "convert" them to Christianity. Nope. I just desire with all my heart to know and love them. And sometimes I've wondered if thats right. Not wanting to welcome them into the kingdom. But God just tells me, "Child, I command you love people. Thats what I desire of my people."
    To me this is amazing! And I want to encourage everyone! I truly believe that God seeks us, we accept him, and then he seeks to USE us... and he  canonly do that once we surrender. Its the hardest thing in a lot of ways because you think you are. You think, "Lord, I've given you my life." But I feel that when you really do, he just nails you so hard that you know when you finally have. Its almost like he flips a light switch on inside of you and you get what he really wants from you. So COOL! So if for some reason you're down about your walk... dont give up he's still prepping and working with you. And when he's done he'll flip the switch and the second leg of your journy will begin!
    Now, I am not saying that God isnt working through you all the time. He totally is. And im not claiming ppl dont know Christ instantly when they accept him. I just feel many people get discouraged too quickly. I often hear people say, "I always knew Christ but something wasnt right..." I think what was missing was the surrender.

  I hope this finds your hearts. Gods so good.


Monday, October 29, 2012

How the Start began

Hey Friends,
 So, I'm new to this concept. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be starting a blog. Yea, wow. Well, I'm hoping that this is the start of many to follow. I'm not sure how the Lord could or would close the door on this beginning when already he's stuck it out with me this far.
  The begining of YWAM started like this. Krista June really wanting to do both, move to Nashville, TN but also do missionary work. I was super conflicted on where he wanted me. I had been praying for a while about what he wanted. I wasn't getting any answers. Like we all do these days when we've had enough and are frustrated I posted a status update on FB about how I wanted both these things and didn't know which God wanted me to do. I got a comment that read, "YWAM has a Nashville program, you should apply there. Who says you cant have your cake and eat it too?" Within mins of seeing the post I checked it out online. And within a few hrs I had an email telling me all about the program. I was still very unceratin so I promised to pray on it.
   Mons have passed and Ive been contacted a few times from the Nashville offices. I am completely honest with them. Things in life are the hardest they've ever been and Im just not sure. "Ill keep you in prayer. Let us know what God tells you."
   June has now come and Ive still not applied for money is an issue. July then august. "Lord, everything keeps breaking and costing me more and more money. How am I to ever get this app out without any money?" FINALLY I have the money and I send everything but one thing in. I get 3 ppl to do a recommendation for me. (I feared this most. Does who I am shine through?) Come October I finally get the last thing I needed out. And within the week I am accepted.
  I want to note during these months of saving money etc a few exicting things happened in my family. My brother proposed to the most amazing woman on earth. AND then a few months later told us they had planned the birth of my little neice or nephew (Neice :)) for June 1st ish. They wanted the wedding for somewhere from feb-may of 2013 but I told them about this school and that I wasnt gonna be able to make it if they had it then. So they post poned it til Oct. 2013. And I should be home for the baby and her birth as long as she holds to the plan and doesnt come early. :)
  I have just found out in the last few days about my acceptance. But I already know that Gods working within me and my friends to make me strong enough to say goodbye for a short time. :) He's already made some friends do some bold things that are helping my heart grow closer with him and not seek things of my heart. :) He works wonders!!!

 I do ask for continual prayer for me. I will need a pretty large sum of money to def be going and I should be hearing more about that soon. I hope to keep everyone updated through the ENTIRE process from this point on. Please continue to pray for me! You all are so wonderful!

