Monday, October 29, 2012

How the Start began

Hey Friends,
 So, I'm new to this concept. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be starting a blog. Yea, wow. Well, I'm hoping that this is the start of many to follow. I'm not sure how the Lord could or would close the door on this beginning when already he's stuck it out with me this far.
  The begining of YWAM started like this. Krista June really wanting to do both, move to Nashville, TN but also do missionary work. I was super conflicted on where he wanted me. I had been praying for a while about what he wanted. I wasn't getting any answers. Like we all do these days when we've had enough and are frustrated I posted a status update on FB about how I wanted both these things and didn't know which God wanted me to do. I got a comment that read, "YWAM has a Nashville program, you should apply there. Who says you cant have your cake and eat it too?" Within mins of seeing the post I checked it out online. And within a few hrs I had an email telling me all about the program. I was still very unceratin so I promised to pray on it.
   Mons have passed and Ive been contacted a few times from the Nashville offices. I am completely honest with them. Things in life are the hardest they've ever been and Im just not sure. "Ill keep you in prayer. Let us know what God tells you."
   June has now come and Ive still not applied for money is an issue. July then august. "Lord, everything keeps breaking and costing me more and more money. How am I to ever get this app out without any money?" FINALLY I have the money and I send everything but one thing in. I get 3 ppl to do a recommendation for me. (I feared this most. Does who I am shine through?) Come October I finally get the last thing I needed out. And within the week I am accepted.
  I want to note during these months of saving money etc a few exicting things happened in my family. My brother proposed to the most amazing woman on earth. AND then a few months later told us they had planned the birth of my little neice or nephew (Neice :)) for June 1st ish. They wanted the wedding for somewhere from feb-may of 2013 but I told them about this school and that I wasnt gonna be able to make it if they had it then. So they post poned it til Oct. 2013. And I should be home for the baby and her birth as long as she holds to the plan and doesnt come early. :)
  I have just found out in the last few days about my acceptance. But I already know that Gods working within me and my friends to make me strong enough to say goodbye for a short time. :) He's already made some friends do some bold things that are helping my heart grow closer with him and not seek things of my heart. :) He works wonders!!!

 I do ask for continual prayer for me. I will need a pretty large sum of money to def be going and I should be hearing more about that soon. I hope to keep everyone updated through the ENTIRE process from this point on. Please continue to pray for me! You all are so wonderful!



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