Sunday, November 11, 2012

Walking w/the YWAM crew; Cambridge, MA

 Good Ol Kate told me about wildfire heading to Boston for outreach. What I didn't know is Id be given a small taste of what my future will look like. As we jump in the car headed for Boston I hear we're headed to the YWAM base in Boston. What I didn't completely put together until we were in their parking was that, we were teaming up with these troopers! #sweet!shipit!
   Instantly I felt God rising up in me. I felt the need to introduce myself and just as quickly as God was rising in me I felt "These are my brothers (3 men were walking before me), and I am their sister." WHOA! Never in my life have I felt that without even knowing someone's name. We had some time to spare so they each introduced themselves and I found myself excited and hoping when in Nashville I have a group come to us wanting to witness. They quickly taught us the "Book of no words" as a tool to use while witnessing. As Brandon and I partnered up to practice the first couple pages I knew instantly I wasnt going to be using it in all its entirity but itd be good to have on me. (He rocked it btw. lol) After we learned this we did a tour of the building they are redoing... and let me tell you... its HUGE! And AWESOME! I cant wait to see it when its finished. SO GOOD! Above is a pic of me on the roof that has a pretty cool view.

   Shortly after we split into two groups. Myself, Darrel Seppala, Sarah Aho, Nikki Aho, Israel Shaw, Hannah Ketola, Ben Ketola, and others Im certainly forgetting found our way to Harvard Square (Or so Im told thats where we were. Truth be told I was along for the ride til we arrived. lol) along with a number of Ywam'ers. Aaron, the Ywam leader (or one of) asked us women to pair up with a woman from their school. I was instantly paired with a wonderful woman of God, Jenny. Literally just meeting for the first time and already I knew we were paired for a reason. I later, shortly later, discovered why. We pulled out the hand drum and guitar and started worshipping. I saw these two men walking and then just completely stopping. Hanging around trying to listen but not be obvious they were. Jenny then told me she was waiting for hear from the Holy Spirit to lead her where to go. I seconded her. "I am too." Thats when I felt I really needed to speak to these guys. They found a seat beside but not involved within the group. Which I found curious. I started to pray, "Lord, if Im to speak with them pls send Jenny to break the ice. Then Ill know." Not a min later Jenny is walking her way on yonder...breaking the ice. These two men were/are men of God. They heard allalua (how do you spell it? lol) And said they wanted to hear more because they used to do something like that in a school theyd attended and hadnt done it in a few years. I knew INSTANTLY God was relighting a fire that was dwindling. PTL! Jenny after a few moments of talking, not too in depth, asked if we could pray. I got SO STOKED! MY TURN TO ROCK IT!! (Im a prayer Warrior... I LOVE LOVE IT!) Jenny not knowing me all but 5 mins turns to me and says, "Wanna pray? I know you do. I feel it." #YESIDO!!! So... to prayer we go. We continue to talk for the next hour, maybe two. At which point we learn more about these gentlemen and Jennys friend from the UK (Also a ywam'er... I think Amanda???) comes in and starts talking too. We were no longer "witnessing" but "fellowshipping" and I felt Gods love all around me! After some time Aaron said it was time to leave for our new friends and so now its was WF (Wildfire) crew left. Rewind a little while I was fellowshipping Id seen Sarah sit down in a group of ppl and I said, "Lord I admire that. Teach me how." So... ywam has now left... "Lord, build the courage...."
    "Hey, will you go into PINKBERRY with me?" Says Nikki. Sure. We go in and get a woman she'd spoken to a coffee. As Im turning the corner D says, "Krista! You wanna pray for these ladies?" My heart jumps with excitement! "YEA I DO! LETS GO!" I ask for anything specific. I hear, "A husband for her." And my heart sinks. "Lord, Ive been praying these things for myself. Youve yet to answer in the least. How do I pray confidently for her, when Ive been doubting youll answer for me?" I hear, "Child, you trust me. Pray in that trust. She needs to hear that trust." "Oh boy lord.... ok... Ill try." I turn to her friend, "and you?"... This is where I feel stupid. She looks down at her belly and holds it, "Well, um... yea just for this little thing..." YEP! She's very pregnant. lol. I had NO idea! #GoKrista! lol. In my heart I say, "Lord, I feel you here. Is it in them or us Im feeling it?" "No, no, you feel right. They are of me. Pray as so." So I do.... again after we keep talking and joking.... and passing info back and forth. SO GOOD!
   During these quick 5 mins I still see Sarah with a larger group around her. Her fitting right in. "Lord, how?!" I see Sarah holding a rat. Yes, a rat. And yes, its a pet. lol. WAY IN! The women and I talk a short bit longer then they have to continue on. D and Nikki walking around and finding people I feel suddenly bold enough to go sit with Sarah.
  Thats when God, yet again tells me, "Be still. NOT NOT NOT outspoken for me. LISTEN!" Not knowing really how to do this I decided I was to follow Sarah's lead. She'd been sitting there, accepted, and with peace for a few hrs. She had started a bond and I wasnt to break it. She starts speaking to a man, whom honestly my heart breaks for. He claims Satanism as his religion. He said, "people think it (Satanism) is worshipping Satan. Its not. Its having complete belief in yourself." My heart sunk. So fleshly. I wanted to say so much. But God reminded me, "Still." Sarah continued asking a few questions after moments of pondering. She asked what made him believe in it. He shared that anytime he turned to God he was denied. He grew up in a christian home. And everytime he turned to God he wasnt answered. He asked both of us if when we pray are we answered. We replied honestly, "Yea, usually. Not always right away but yes. We hear him." He told us he never did. He lost 3 people incredibly close to him and he asked for Gods healing hand each time. And never once did God heal. Sarah and I felt the same... heartache. We wanted to hug him. And she even told him that. Which was SO awesome! As the convo died down we thanked him for speaking with us at which point he said, "Thank you guys for not trying to convert me and just listening. So many people who come here just try and convert." He said it with such sincerity it blew my mind. And I was reminded of what we're called to do. LOVE LOVE LOVE! NOT convert! Like anger is a secondary emotion converting is like that to faith. LOVE causes change. Nothing else.
     After awhile the woman Sarah had started talking to came back and asked me what my denomination was. I love this question because it breaks the chains of religion. We shared non. And that drew in another gentlemen whom I had the priveledge of listening to, as Sarah asked the questions. He, like so many, was educated. Knew scripture and some history. Again... just listening. I could feel Sarah feeling what I was... love. And I ENCOURAGE ya'll to speak to her about all she has to offer on this night. She experienced more than I and heard more than I. It was so good! But one thing she said was that the entire time we were speaking to the 2nd man, the first was listening the entire time. She "Felt it". PTL! Friendship is so important.
   As we were saying our Goodbyes a gentleman whom we spoke with all but 3 mins said, "Thanks for stopping by and hearing us." WOW! #humbled.
  As we were heading to the van we again ran into the two women we spoke to earlier and they were waiting for the shuttle to bring them back to the hotel. lol... waiting for over 30 mins we offered them a ride. After a short talk/debate they joined us and we dropped em off. SO GOOD! Christ flowing through us ALL! SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
   As usual, we talked the way home all about it. Prayed. Stopped for food. Shared. Prayed. Laughed. And then GOT home! lol.

 God is so good! He's teaching me so much! Culture, how to just love and be a friend. That I am loved. Loveable. Easy in spirit. And that its not up to me to do anything but be who he's made me to be. I cant fathom that totally but yea... as the Genie says in Alladin... "just BEEEEEE yourself!" lol. Each walk I am humbled and touched by the lives we experience. There's so many people out there and Im realizing Ill never know them all but the ones Im blessed to encounter... they are beautiful and amazing! PTL! Gods so awesome!

Love you,

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