Sunday, November 4, 2012

Street Witnessing (Fitchberg, MA) "Humbled"

   The night begins with myself and 3 brothers jumping into a car and not really knowing where we're going other than to "The Berg". I can honestly say that instantly I knew this outreach was going to be more for myself than the ppl we encountered. God revealed to me that I was to listen... NOT speak. I was to be STILL not active. To be completely honest with you, this is NOT who or what I'm typically called to do. At least not with the witnessing. But within the same breath I had complete peace and willingness to achieve this calling. To be sure I was to do this as my calling I went into singing prayer. AKA- Grabbed the guitar and started singing my heart out. As I was I kept seeing a man with a big beard, longer hair and a dark jacket. (This is relevent later). God continued to tell me, "Child, You are hearing me correctly."
   On our way there we had some prayers we lifted up. And as one of my brothers was praying in tongues I felt he was going to be teaching me lessons about myself. When he spoke in english he shared exactly, to a T, what was on my heart. I was mind blown. I was praying (in my head) that I'd die to self and be only as he'd desire. It was then my brother mentioned of how he felt we had to let go of ourselves and that we are being like God. :) That is just an example. He did this 4 or 5 times. WHOA!
   My other brother, Tim, had told us he thought we should head to the mall area. Within a moments time him and the brother above (Brandon) had someone they were to speak with. As they stayed outside to speak with him myself and D went inside. After finding ourselves a few friends and chatting a bit with them we found ourselves a seat and a gentleman sitting across from us. And could you guess what he looks like? Yep. A big bushy beard, dark jacket, and longer hair. D went and sat beside him, just out of earshot. I wanted to go and listen but I felt as I did before leaving... I was to sit back and be the prayer. So I did. After awhile the mall closed and we had to depart. D instantly told me, "He knows Jesus. He's homeless too." Through the little bit I did hear I wasnt surprised by this. And by the huge hole in his shoe I again wasnt surprised. We lifted him up in prayer as we walked our way out to the lot and searched for what God was calling us to next, for "the night is still young"- D. lol
    As him and I stood on the corner talking to people as they walked by we turned after a few moments to find our 2 brothers walking towards us... hands FULL of food as they excitedly ask us if we're hungry bc they "hit the mother load!" lol (Love these guys!) We each ate a piece and then D said with SUPER EXCITEMENT "Dude! We just spoke with a homeless man!!" Tim naturally..."LETS GO FIND HIM! SHOULD WE! WE'LL GIVE HIM ALL THIS!" Now when I echo their words "hit the mother load" they were NOT kidding! Lol... we had enough to eat and still feed 4 more people. lol So, we jumped into the car to seek our new friend. And this is where the adventure truly begins....
     We drive around the lot, cant find him. We stop at Denys and nothing. We then head to MB for some people said he may be in that area. D then jumps out and runs into the liquor store and asks if they know of him. They said no, but told us were we could possibly go look for him. Tim comes back and asks for these big sandwhichs that we had. He brings them back into the cashier and leaves them there for the homeless that come in hungry. AMEN! SO good! At this point we have just a couple slices of pizze left and still no friend. But like detectives we have leads. So, like a true detective does we followed up on them. lol. And this is where I'm SOOOOOOO Thankful to have had 2 Bioligical Brothers and grew up in the woods like I did. Because we were being called to the woods. Legit folks.. the woods! Where we found a river and a way to cross it. Lol... Im laughing at this because we had NO idea the river was there. But boy... we found out quickly. And when we did, we all knew we were suppose to cross. But me being the girl was like, "If theres a bridge, we'll cross." And truth being told, I never thought we'd actually find a bridge. But God never fails to amaze me and within a short times walk I hear Brandon say, "Hey look they made a bridge!" And oh yea they did! lol. With a shopping cart, tree branches and small, thin, 2x4's we had our way into the deeper parts of the woods.
   We follow the paths clearly made by continual walking and the Holy Spirit we walked... and walked...and walked... and prayed... and climbed and walked.... stopped...prayed... and walked. lol. Ok so not quite this much...on our first half. My spirit this entire time was uneasy. I had mentioned before leaving the car, "Its times like this i wish I spoke in tongues." I knew my brothers didnt understand what this meant to me was something was in my spirit that my mind couldnt explain. As I was walking the feeling wouldnt fade. So in typical Krista fashion I fell behind to talk outloud to myself. This is when the Lord started to really rock me.
   I looked ahead and fearless, determined Brandon is leading the way. WHOA! Lord, I need to be more like that, eh? Not scared but trusting in you? Yes, child. Then I see Tim. WHOA! Lord, I need to be more willing to just go out no matter what and have willingness to surrender my will, eh? Yes, child. Then I see D. WHOA! Lord, I need to be quick to lead, just as quick to follow, and have words of compassion 24/7, eh? Yes, child. WHOA!!! The more I walked and followed the more my brothers spoke to me. The more they humbled me. They all had a willingness and desire to NOT quit til they found anyone. I was in the same heart, I didnt want to stop til I found someone too, but when I looked at them I saw the spirit of Love all around them. They were FULL of love and desire to do anything they had to. So awesome!
   Brandon reminded us on one of our stops of what he had said in the car. (Though I dont think he recalled it.) He said, "whoa, God just showed me, like we're being like him right now. Like this is what he does to us, he pursues us constantly. And has determination. He doesnt stop. Thats his love for us." So GOOD! And with that we decided to continue onto the other half of the pathway.
   On this side of our walk it was very simlar to that of the first half. A lot of walking, prayer, and no results... as for people. But god continued to rock me. Again, my brothers walk boldly into the dark and unknown. I have a lot more peace about it on this side of the walk and Im ready for anything, but I realized only because I was following their lead. God then revealed to me, "Child, you'll need to be like them all collectively, at one time, when at YWAM." My thoughts echoed as a surrendered, beaten tone, "Ah, CRAP! Whats there for me Lord!? Ah, I wont worry now about it. Pls just prep me." lol... I felt like a beaten dog spiritually. Not in a bad way. I was just at the point of I need you. Im nothing without.
   After walking in the woods for about an hour and a half we decided we would go to either McD's or deny's. And though Im not sure how we ended at McD's its where we'd stay til about midnight (maybe a little before). This hear I encourage you to go and speak to the men about. Because again, I was called to be in the back. I again was out of ear shot of a lot of important info. However I will share what they shared in the car.
   We ran into a group of about 10-15 guys (only one girl). And they were a gang. But NOT the type of gang that we usually think of when we say gang. I.e... you are NOT allowed in this gang if you arent going to school. You are to be GOOD citizens. They were very honorable men. They refused money or help of any kind unless from each other. They were brothers in every sense. They'd hit eachother as play, tell each other like it is, not hesitate to deck eachother if felt it was needed, bum butts/lighters etc if needed.... in every way like brothers. Brandon told us later that they had rules that were beyond schooling... that their thoughts were if we get you when you're wrong we will help you to grow and be a model citizen. As I write now I think of it almost as it takes a village to raise a child thought process.
   Within this group they asked us questions and D and Brandon did a lot of sharing. They even asked to hang out another time. But what I think is most cool about this entire thing is that they mentioned to us that another kid had stopped and spoke with them a few days before. Who they described was our AWESOME Brother, Brycen, and AMAZING Sister, Karissa. Gods planting seeds like no ones business! Ship it!
   Also, while we were there D and Tim had gone inside and spoken with a group of young men. One who was Christian and attends or runs? a youth group at his church. Him and Tim exchanged numbers and on our way home he shared with Tim that they changed his life! And that he was talking to his friend on the way home about Christ and his friend didnt really wanna hear it. But his thoughts were this, "Im just there to plant the seeds." WHOA!!! This is all I know of their talk with these guys, but I encourage you to speak with them about it!!
   It was VERY COLD after a few hrs speaking with these guys and we were getting tired. So we agreed it was time to head on home... for we still wanted to visit a friend at work before calling it an evening. And I wont go much into our visit other than it was awesome and this story with the Cop.
   So, we're heading to where she works and D is going a tid-bit quick... 47 in a 30. The blues come on, and because we dropped Tim off at home there is noone in the front seat. Just D driving and Brandon and I in the back. This already looks weird. The cop comes up and lets us know right away we're being recorded. He asks us where were going. Where D doesnt answer but asks instead if he knows Jesus. (This is where I wanna note I knew this was gonna be the best pull over Ive ever part taken in.) The Officer says, "Yea. Well, I know of him. I dont know him personally." D says, would you like to? Brandon and I are laughing hard at this point. While D is asking this he is looking for his license and reg.... or so we thought. Apparently just his license. He finds it and hands it over. The Cop is laughing and in a good mood. D continues to look at him... Officer asks where we were coming from... we told him witnessing from Fitchberg etc. Finally the Officer reminds D... I need reg. "OH MY! Im sorry" Says D. "I promise Ive not been drinking" OH BOY D! lol. The cop then turns to us and asks with a smile, "So, how much has he really had to drink?" At which point I feel God telling me to say, "Only drunk in the Holy Spirit." So I do. Again, all 4 of us are laughing. The officer walks back to his car. We're laughing slightly to then realize.. whoa he was going FAST. So we start praying for favor. After a little bit he comes back and with a smile says, "Look, here's your stuff. Its a written warning. It shouldnt be! I am biting the bullet for you on this one. Please do me a favor and slow down. Like, Im really biting the bullet and will likely hear about this. Please, keep it slow." PTL! :) We thank him full heartedly! As he's walking back to his car we instantly lift him up in prayer. Thanking him and praying his boss has favor on him! :) SOOOOOO GOOD! I want to note how cool this is because D was getting gas and shared this story with a woman who said, "I got my license suspended for going 47 in a 30." WHOA! lol.... GOD YOU ARE SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!

 I suppose through this entire thing what I learned the most is that when you are still when called to be still god really wants to work in YOU! And also that though he may send you to the woods to find nothing, you never walk out with nothing. Instead you find prizes and jewels within yourself. Sometimes He'll send you to the woods to grow you. Where there is nothing... you seldomly will find nothing with God. Im incredibly blessed!

 I wanna note that Im unsure how to spell D's name which is why I've written it as so. So I'll just write it once as Darrel Seppala just so you know who it is. And D I'm sorry if I got it wrong!

 I hope this finds you all so well! :)

Love you,
Krista June

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