Saturday, February 16, 2013

Opry and Art

Hey Family!

 Ok, so Im not feeling the best so this is probably gonna be short. I may add on tomorrow or later if I feel well. Im sorry, I just wanna sleep and try to kill it quickly.
   This week we had Art Collins as our speaker. An interesting man to say the least. Doesnt hold anything back, and truthfully, its one of those things that maybe he should. lol. Nah, he was good. He spoke on how to be a disciple and I can honestly say I love that he had us looking us verse after verse with him. Let me know my Bible better. :) He took a lot out of Romans, 1 John, 1 Corinth, and Matthew. Which was good because I didnt realize the depths of love that was within them for one another, not just Christ! :)
   We watched the passion one night with him. First speaker to REALLY hang out with us. Troy did a little here and there but Art took us out to Dinner lunch and every break was at our side. It was cool. BUT explains why we're ALL EXHAUSTED! Celia actually woke only for breakfast to fall back asleep... Ill be joining her shortly. :) Though I saw a lot from Art the biggest things I learned from God this week wasnt in the classroom. It was outside in my own time. I MADE oppertunities to be alone. Like walking to class or from someones house, cleaning the kitchen, I popped in my headphones and just tried speaking with him. It was EFFORT but it was good.
  God spoke to me a LOT about his DEEP love for not just US but ME. I was mind blown! For instance, can you think of ANYTHING GOD MADE, NOT man made, GOD made, that is EXACTLY the SAME in EVERY WAY!? ANYTHING? Ive been thinking on this for about a week now and have come up with nothing. Yea, cows, they're all the same right? But what about their colors? Or the snowflakes even? A Tree.... each branch extends in a different spot or curves a different way.... get the idea? Ive found nothing and what he revealed to me through this was that he has put DEEP thought into each of his creations and love into each. He hasnt just put us or anything into a machine and mass produced anything.... but hand crafted EACH thing! WOW!!!!!!!!! Pretty friggin amazing! Makes me feel special and loved, and I hope it does you as well. :)
  God also spoke to me on unity. My team had been slowly letting things get to us about one another and tearing us slowly apart. A few of us were not ok with this and had spoken and agreed we should hang out and talk a little more. That "meeting" was kinda sucky but it was nice to have because the results have been amazing!! I got to pour my heart out to a mate and well, things have changed drastically because it wasnt just my feelings but from the others as well. Im stoked to be with this crew. Last week was good but man, challenging and it took me until Monday to be able to come around and make myself realize what was up.
   This entire week Ive been crushed---- EXHAUSTED- in EVERY WAY! My body was KILLING me one day, and then, now Im feeling a cold coming on, and so my physical bodys been out of it. But as my pain was kicking my butt and just away from tears I found myself praying, NOT for the pain to fade but that THANKING him. I was mind blown by myself. lol. Seriously, Im just being honest. lol Talking to a friend I was laughing because I was reminded of how our bodies dont have to dictate how our spirits are. I found myself txting my small group leaders apologizing ahead of time that I wasnt gonna be the most energetic but that my heart would be in it. It was Valentines day that day so they had us making cards for others and giving words without knowing who they were for. It was fun and rewarding. I love how the Lord will speak to you.
   Last night, WOW!! Ive not had that much fun in my life!!! Celia was amazing to go to The opry with. So full of energy showing and leading the way for me on how to have fun. I was so stoked. Cheering even at some points. Totally NOT me! But it was REDICT FUN! Tex and Marc were there as well and just soaking it in. Im SO blessed by them. Josh Turner was a SWEETHEART! Im officially a fan. :) Ah, just mind blowing. I loved seeing all the old acts and hearing how in 1967 she was the 3rd woman to ever win a grammy. Like, really? Im in the room with that talent and that skill!? SO many of them in the hall of fame? SHOCKED!
   Before going to the show we went evanglizing, "Just being ourselves." It was great. Michael, London, Matt and myself walked around the Opry Mills Mall and spoke and joked with people. Never speaking about God but just loving them as God would. Which I think was amazing. I loved every min of it. Michael started singing Ms. Jackson by Outkast and it got in my head. So I started singing it and at one point the woman in front of us turns and says, "I AM FOR RRREEEEAAAL." lol it was amazing.
    I love life. Gods so good. And He's working in me to be who I am at home here and Im excited. In the beginning of the week it was hard. I was conforted about something I shouldnt have been (in my opinion) and I was really hurt by it. And not knowing what to do I called home and was talking to a friend about it. I was adviced to basically get up dust myself off and start again. Which is what Ive been doing since and its been wonderful. Im stupidly grateful. Which reminds me of why we truly need eachother. Ah... thank you Lord Jesus! :)

   With that Ive gotta go,
 Hope life is good ya'll!

Love, Krista June

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