Saturday, February 9, 2013

In The Hands of the Potter

Why Hello Friends!!

   Another week has come and gone and my fav day is here!! I love saturdays! Just a time to sit back with little mandatory activities before us and do whatever our hearts desire. I feel like ppls spirits instantly release stress and become more light hearted. I normally start the day writing this but today I did some homework first and so Im feeling a little more educated lol.

  This week we had Brooke Gehman speak to us about The Father heart of God... aka the heart of the Ultimate Potter. Brooke himself is a potter so brought in his wheel and told the story of clay and the potter. How the potter knows everything and the clay is trying so hard to be anything but who the potter wants him to be. On day three we were taught more about eagles and how we're so much like them in the hands of God. Pushed outta the nest, only to be caught many many times by the mother (God) and brought back to the nest, to only be pushed out again and again... forcing the baby bird to learn how to fly and grow. Truly amazing. The last few days it was more on becoming yourself in God. And asking questions like does God ever actually take away someones free will, ever. My answer to this question is still in the air. But as Brooke said, God is just very powerful with persuashion. :) I thought of Jonah through this question, first thinking right away, "NO He never does." but then God planted the story of Jonah in my head and I couldnt resist bringing it to question. But it never said he made the fish swollow Jonah but simply provided one or had one near by. I encourage everyone to read the book of Jonah, it took me 20 mins and Im one of the slowest readers on earth, but was BLOWN away by it. Gods good. On Friday we did a very good thing about forgiveness and having grace towards ppl who may not have even asked for it. Im still struggling with this a little but understanding more and more about grace with each passing day.
  With this same topic in mind we are reading a book "whats so amazing about grace", and I can honestly say Im being mind blown. Its truly a blessing to read and have a program focussing so much time on trying to better you within your faith. Im blessed.
   There's more freedom coming about the air. and i love every aspect of it! Im grateful to have the oppertunity to grow and stretch the wings the lords given me. Im missing Bubs a great deal but am totally blessed by friends at home that are constantly staying in touch with me. Even letting me still part take in their lives the best I can. Im unsure why they're blessing me as they are, but BOY AM I THANKFUL!
   We just learned a few mins ago that we are gonna go to the Opry this upcoming friday to see Josh Turner. Im kinda excited. Idk his music that well, but Im really wanting to go just for the experience. I figure theyll be a LOT of other extreme things Ill have to do and may not enjoy, why not take the oppertunity to not do something so scary but yet a once in a life time thing happen! Im so stoked. Gods just remarkable!

 Im super excited to run free for a few hrs in Nashville and then boom hit up the greatest place on earth... the opry. Im excited to share that with ya'll!

 Keep us in prayer guys! We NEED IT! Please keep the finances up in prayer... itll be a load of money we need! If you feel lead to give please please please hit me up for details! Its pretty much all on my FB page some place and Id LOVE to give it to you!! Much love and THANKS! Krista June

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