Friday, March 1, 2013

2 wks summed in one.. All in fun

Im Sorry friends! The last few weeks have been CRAZY! We had the DTS of 32 students from the fall get home from outreach and we were booked getting to know them, serving dinner, and doing graduation things for them. So Lives been a little CRAZY!
  Within that DTS I think its safe to say Ive met some good friends. Ive never seen such joy in so many of their faces. I dont believe it was all because they were home either. In Fact, some of them I think wished that they werent. The stories and inside jokes flowed throughout the house and I cant say that they were not entertaining to listen to. For the most part, menus the cleaning up after, I thoroughly enjoyed having them here. So, that was basically last wk! :) Im trying to think of stories to share but I cant really.
     The other students made for an interesting time out of class but within it they had no affect. As usually YWAM found a Dimond in the Rough and blessed us with an amazing teacher, Wick Nease. Im mind blown. He spoke on destiny and the biggest point that he made was this, "How many lives will not make it into heaven if we dont act out the destiny in which God has called us to obtain." Yea, it struck me hard too! :) Makes you think twice before not doing something the Holy Spirit tells ya to, eh? lol But it was amazing! Im so incredibly lucky to have had him teach me! Amazing. And he acts out his talk! Doing HUGE work in the mission fields for orphans. Check out! Him and his wife founded it! :)
   One thing that ya'll should know about me if you dont already is I dont tend to sugar coat things or make myself out to be something Im not. I feel thatd be decieving ya'll. So with that being said, this week has been rough. By the end of last... like Sat night I was basically burnt out. Tex and I were up late and I found myself saying, "Man, I just want to be ALONE! ALL ALONE I Need to BUST OUTTA HERE!!" Of course I said this in my head. But I wanted breakfast alone. Me being the only one who can drive a base vehicle I felt like breakfast before church alone would be nice. But I knew that Tex and possibly others were feeling the same way and I couldnt neglect them. So, we made plans to go out to breakfast. And barely just got there! lol It was good, Brenna from home was with us, Celia, Matt and Tex all went out before church and just enjoyed eachother. It was really nice. But if Id known thats where the fun was gonna end Id soaked it all in that much deeper.
   Im not going to share details. I dont believe its fair. But know that this week hasnt been the best, easiest, or even remotely close to not being the worse week here. A lot has happened and I even debated on not writing until next week in hopes that things would turn around and I could give you all the GLORY REMARKABLE things he did ONCE IT WAS OVER! One thing I realized is that we do that FAR too often. We pull through hard situations that noone knows we are going through all by ourselves and then once we are out of that situation share with everyone and praise god. We are called to be a body DURING hard times, not only after. We tend to only show the hunky dory days once the storms gone by. Ive done this most my life, afraid to say, "Hey I need your help." Biblically thats wrong. So friends, I need some prayer for wisdom and a softened heart.
   Johnny Buckner was our speaker this week. A teacher who is 100% lead by the spirit. Its crazy! He was such a blessing to have around! I can honestly say without him whats happening right now would be MUCH harder and MUCH more unlikely to heal or be resolved. But his love is strong and perfect so he gave us Johnny! :) Guy is amazing. I truly cherish his heart!
  With all that being said Im hoping to have all my work done tonight so that way I can just soak up time with Him tomorrow and have massive revelation on how to flip the worst week here to being the best week yet that follows. :) Say a prayer or two for me? :)

 Love ya'll!

Thanks For letting me be real!
Krista June

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