Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The First Days

Hey Guys,

 Sorry its taken me a bit to get my stuff in order. Im officially at YWAM and enjoying every moment of it. Im currently in a "Must be alone" state so forgive me if its brief. Im VERY interaverted as many of you know and unless Ive been sleeping Ive been with ppl. And even then... Celia is just 4 ft away. lol. The good news: Celia and I are the only girls. So that means that the room is clean and that I can escape into my room for short times to collect myself.
  So Erin and Whitney (my dts leader) picked me up on Saturday and things started instantly. I never thought I could be asked and ask "Where are you from" so much in such a short time. Im loving it. We have 2 from NH... Celia and I. 1 from London, England, 1 Texan and one Wisconsin. Its a complete and total blessing. Im not sure I coulda asked for a better group. Small but good.
  Campus life is a little what I expected and nothing of what i did all at once. I both love and hate having someone to talk to all the time. lol... that interavert thing can be a killer at times. But we're basically go go go from 630am-7pm. Its nice to be doing so much and being around so many ppl in love for the Lord.
  I think I surpise some ppl so far. The older staff members. Ive spoken with most of them and when it includes times like intercession I seem to take them off guard. I feel in a good way though. One thing Danielle, Brandon and myself spoke about the night before leaving was just being myself. Plain and simple. Ive taken time to remind myself daily that I am who Gods made me to be and be confident in that. Dont change the way I talk or the words I use because others may not understand. But take hold of how he's made me and push forth.
  Ive also asked God to reveal to me how he sees the ppl around me and let that take place of the possible first impressions I may have concluded to. And to be completely real... Ive been mind blown like never before. Its the most incredible way to view ppl Ive found.
  The biggest thing Ive learned thus far is to trust in myself within the Holy Spirit. As Kathy said on NYE night "you know what youre doing. Youre equipped. Force nothing and listen to him." Ive found myself reminding myself of this often and being blessed just as much so. Ive had to oppertunity to pray over another DTS team... well.. a couple students Id literally met that morning. I gave word and they receieved it without question. I think they too were a littel shocked that someone on their first day of classes would act so "boldly". But not in a bad way. I spoke with them for about an hr ...maybe 2 after and cherish their hearts. Theyre in Cambodia currently. (left that night)
    So we are headed to Africa. Though unsure which country we know its touching Lake Victoria. I feel the Lord is saying Kenya. But we'll wait, pray and discover.
  So friends, life is really good. Im sorry this is so brief. I know I keep saying Ill update later because Im too tired or too something... but this is really the best I can provide right now. Im SOOO blessed and dont  worry... Ill give anyone who wants it a chance to see the entire journey through my eyes when I return home. It may be later than hoped but it will be an option.

 Much Love and thanks for all the support,
Krista June

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