Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Walk with Peter Iilyn Through Life

Hey Guys,

  This week hasnt been the most exciting on base but still really good. I found myself sleeping a LOT during the evenings and on Friday even though I had the rest I had a MASSIVE headache from the moment I woke til I went to bed. I was prayed over many times but it didnt seem to make it fade for more than a few mins at a time. But the group was getting behind it so unity is hitting and at a rapid rate.

   Today Im headed out to Nashville with friends not from the base. Im very excited about that. To see some home friends.
  But lets go back throughout the week. It was a very connecting week with my class. We shared our testimonies, and not one of us wasnt real. I feel really good about it because we were all kinda not the most excited about doing it. I feel theres a strong sense of the human nature of well, I only wanna give whats given. Which I totally understand but am praying against. A few weeks ago a friend who was living here said that the word they kept getting for us was "determined". After hearing the testimonies I have to say, I know why.Gods so good!
   Ive started to find my way opening and being real with certain people. And can honestly say I have some of the most amazing new friends in life. Im SO stoked that I have SO much more time to get to know them and love on them. Not just the 10 days that Im used to in missions.
  Im basically  loving every aspect of it except being forced to ALWAYS share my feelings or thoughts on things. Honestly, even when I dont have anything Im being pushed to share. Im super frustrated with that but God will work me through it. Ive been staying in touch with some of my friends from home and theyve been amazing support and help!
   Peter Iilyn spoke this week on Repentence. Well, to be honest it was a LOT of stories and I had to search to see the connection to the word. But in the end I found myself humbled and realizing I dont need to put any effort into having God love me but that he does without effort. Not only that but the realization that I too can hurt God was mind blowing. Like our sins against him hurt him. Yes, he forgives, but he hurts too. Ive never seen it in that light before.... makes me have a new loving for him. I summed it up like this... we know he bore the nails for our sins.... and the nails friggin' HURT... why wouldnt our other sins? Kinda knocked me in the gut. But Im so thankful. Peter talked a lot about accepting Gods love and trusting in his voice and will. Some of the stories have me blown away and I hope I can share some of them to the amazingness he had. I bought his book on his fathers story which some of you Ill let you borrow when I come home. Its worth the read!!! :)
   Its hard for me to decide what is import in these updates and whats me just being stupid and rambling about. So if theres anything ya'll wanna know more about please lemme know. I'd love to share.

  All I can really say is that Im incredibly thankful and blessed! Ill be sending out some newsletters as well, so if youd like one please send me your email or mailing address and Id love to share some of that with you as well!! Im trying HARD to share some pics on here but how I did it before isnt being allowed.

 Pray for Tex he has the massive headache I had last night. :) Thanks ya'll :)

Love, Krista June

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