Friday, January 18, 2013

Walking with the Lord in DTS

Hey Friends,

   Wow, so I apologize from the depths of my heart, not answering you ya'll on fb. The biggest question asked so far is how am I? Well folks, Im STOKED to announce Im SUPER!!! God loves me!! Life here is WONDERFUL! EXHAUSTING but WONDERFUL! I feel Gods called me to be in missions for awhile and that this is just the start. Im thrilled. I was praying today as Bob and Kathy Walker were sharing their testimonies and whelp, I truly feel Im called to the field. How that looks after the Dts Idk, but its in his hands.

  This week we heard on relationships from Dean Sherman, and let me tell you... MIND BLOWING! and HILARIOUS! BABY ON THE FLOOR! PLEASE go and check him out! Ive never heard such GREAT talk before in my life in regards to relationships! TRULY makes a difference. We, as a class, have been immatating him all week! lol Youtube him... so funny. Other than that the weeks here have been pretty much filled with laughter, studying, and praying. I can honestly say something that shocked me since being here is how much "Praying" is listed on our "MUST DO" list. Im NOT complaining I LOVE it!!!
  The leaders here are wonderful! I was struggling a little at first with trusting everyone, Im not gonna lie. The spirit said to and the flesh said "you know what you know from yourself." and well, I lost in every sense. BUT BUT! Ive caved and have allowed truth to win. So to my knees I fell and we're good now. lol. Ok, so real moment, I literally looked at myself in the mirror last night and asked myself "Who is that person!? Thats NOT Krista June!" and so I fell and gave it all back up and well... in the words of Anna, Freedom. Lol So to say everythings been hunky dory would be a lie. Ive struggled a little with old ways but Im proud to say only in the smallest of ways and only really affected one small group session. But Satan no longer resides here with me. So PTL! :) He is victorious!

  My friends here are amazing! We all have a heart for the lord and worship. Im stoked about it. We all came in with simlar goals and we WILL accomplish them. The word that the staff kept getting for us.. before meeting us was "Determined"... when asked to define what that meant it was answered "In every way they will be determined". Which to this point has been very true! We are! but we are EXTREMELY Loving! Im learning so much from each person. Celia- how to have fun and simply laugh to laugh. <--- biggest prayer being answered there for me. Sam (AKA TEX)- how to serve without regret and forgive without records. Sam (London)--- willingness to change for the lord not only impacts oneself but those witnessing it. Beautiful. And Matthew, the comfort zones are just our IDEA of saftey and God intends on wrecking that idea. Also that worship is from the heart nothing else. Im mind boggled by these "mates" of mine. I can sincerely say Ive got EACH ONE OF THEIR BACKS NO MATTER WHAT! Id defend each one as if they were blood. I agree with Tex when he said, "Im most blown away that its only been 2 wks and already we're this close. Like how do we all just get along?" This isnt to say everything has been always smooth. But we're human but the fact that we ALL submit ourselves to humilty and try and help and love on one another and our hearts are PURE and loving changes that fleshlyness to "Lord help us, we need you." We ALL have that heart. And we all wanna serve one another. This is what I Feel at least. Im completely mind blown by these friends.

   I suppose I should tell ya'll kinda what our days typically look like. We wake at 7am... probably should be 645 but Celia and I are alike... up late and snooze button it in the morning. lol. 730 alone time with God. 830 depending on the day, either worship, worship AND intercession, or just intercession. 930 class until 1220. Unless Wed. on Wed Celia, London and myself watch the children that live here while their parents are at a staff meeting (Tex and Matt cook lunch with Maddy), lunch and work duty (cleaning kitchen) is basically until 3-330 then depending on the day, back to class, small group, outreach prep, or group reading (which is reading a chapter on the new testiment outloud together).... Fridays are a little different because at 3pm we instead do evangalism training and then we put what we learned into action... but monday- thurs at 530ish we eat and the for the most part we are free for the night... this usually results in playing cards til 11pm. We all love cards and games so its fun. We laugh A LOT! Which is SO GOOD for my soul!

  Both wks so far Ive been completely rocked by the speakers. Im not a very good student but Ive taken and had great notes daily and TRULY am interested in it all. I cant believe how much Ive already learned and retained. Im super excited for the reminding time and nervous about whats to come after cause I only have this planned and then Im back running on faith lol. But I can honestly say Im excited for where the roads leading.

 I feel like I should do a character outline for each person Ive met and know but I feel thatll hafta wait until tomorrow or another time if I indeed am convicted.

 Holy spirit lead us!!
   Right now Im asking for prayers for discernment. If anyone needs prayers pls seek me out Id love to. To those whove already, I have been and will continue to! I love you guys!!

I tried to add pics but youll hafta look at FB for those... sorry :( God bless

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