Saturday, February 16, 2013

Opry and Art

Hey Family!

 Ok, so Im not feeling the best so this is probably gonna be short. I may add on tomorrow or later if I feel well. Im sorry, I just wanna sleep and try to kill it quickly.
   This week we had Art Collins as our speaker. An interesting man to say the least. Doesnt hold anything back, and truthfully, its one of those things that maybe he should. lol. Nah, he was good. He spoke on how to be a disciple and I can honestly say I love that he had us looking us verse after verse with him. Let me know my Bible better. :) He took a lot out of Romans, 1 John, 1 Corinth, and Matthew. Which was good because I didnt realize the depths of love that was within them for one another, not just Christ! :)
   We watched the passion one night with him. First speaker to REALLY hang out with us. Troy did a little here and there but Art took us out to Dinner lunch and every break was at our side. It was cool. BUT explains why we're ALL EXHAUSTED! Celia actually woke only for breakfast to fall back asleep... Ill be joining her shortly. :) Though I saw a lot from Art the biggest things I learned from God this week wasnt in the classroom. It was outside in my own time. I MADE oppertunities to be alone. Like walking to class or from someones house, cleaning the kitchen, I popped in my headphones and just tried speaking with him. It was EFFORT but it was good.
  God spoke to me a LOT about his DEEP love for not just US but ME. I was mind blown! For instance, can you think of ANYTHING GOD MADE, NOT man made, GOD made, that is EXACTLY the SAME in EVERY WAY!? ANYTHING? Ive been thinking on this for about a week now and have come up with nothing. Yea, cows, they're all the same right? But what about their colors? Or the snowflakes even? A Tree.... each branch extends in a different spot or curves a different way.... get the idea? Ive found nothing and what he revealed to me through this was that he has put DEEP thought into each of his creations and love into each. He hasnt just put us or anything into a machine and mass produced anything.... but hand crafted EACH thing! WOW!!!!!!!!! Pretty friggin amazing! Makes me feel special and loved, and I hope it does you as well. :)
  God also spoke to me on unity. My team had been slowly letting things get to us about one another and tearing us slowly apart. A few of us were not ok with this and had spoken and agreed we should hang out and talk a little more. That "meeting" was kinda sucky but it was nice to have because the results have been amazing!! I got to pour my heart out to a mate and well, things have changed drastically because it wasnt just my feelings but from the others as well. Im stoked to be with this crew. Last week was good but man, challenging and it took me until Monday to be able to come around and make myself realize what was up.
   This entire week Ive been crushed---- EXHAUSTED- in EVERY WAY! My body was KILLING me one day, and then, now Im feeling a cold coming on, and so my physical bodys been out of it. But as my pain was kicking my butt and just away from tears I found myself praying, NOT for the pain to fade but that THANKING him. I was mind blown by myself. lol. Seriously, Im just being honest. lol Talking to a friend I was laughing because I was reminded of how our bodies dont have to dictate how our spirits are. I found myself txting my small group leaders apologizing ahead of time that I wasnt gonna be the most energetic but that my heart would be in it. It was Valentines day that day so they had us making cards for others and giving words without knowing who they were for. It was fun and rewarding. I love how the Lord will speak to you.
   Last night, WOW!! Ive not had that much fun in my life!!! Celia was amazing to go to The opry with. So full of energy showing and leading the way for me on how to have fun. I was so stoked. Cheering even at some points. Totally NOT me! But it was REDICT FUN! Tex and Marc were there as well and just soaking it in. Im SO blessed by them. Josh Turner was a SWEETHEART! Im officially a fan. :) Ah, just mind blowing. I loved seeing all the old acts and hearing how in 1967 she was the 3rd woman to ever win a grammy. Like, really? Im in the room with that talent and that skill!? SO many of them in the hall of fame? SHOCKED!
   Before going to the show we went evanglizing, "Just being ourselves." It was great. Michael, London, Matt and myself walked around the Opry Mills Mall and spoke and joked with people. Never speaking about God but just loving them as God would. Which I think was amazing. I loved every min of it. Michael started singing Ms. Jackson by Outkast and it got in my head. So I started singing it and at one point the woman in front of us turns and says, "I AM FOR RRREEEEAAAL." lol it was amazing.
    I love life. Gods so good. And He's working in me to be who I am at home here and Im excited. In the beginning of the week it was hard. I was conforted about something I shouldnt have been (in my opinion) and I was really hurt by it. And not knowing what to do I called home and was talking to a friend about it. I was adviced to basically get up dust myself off and start again. Which is what Ive been doing since and its been wonderful. Im stupidly grateful. Which reminds me of why we truly need eachother. Ah... thank you Lord Jesus! :)

   With that Ive gotta go,
 Hope life is good ya'll!

Love, Krista June

Saturday, February 9, 2013

In The Hands of the Potter

Why Hello Friends!!

   Another week has come and gone and my fav day is here!! I love saturdays! Just a time to sit back with little mandatory activities before us and do whatever our hearts desire. I feel like ppls spirits instantly release stress and become more light hearted. I normally start the day writing this but today I did some homework first and so Im feeling a little more educated lol.

  This week we had Brooke Gehman speak to us about The Father heart of God... aka the heart of the Ultimate Potter. Brooke himself is a potter so brought in his wheel and told the story of clay and the potter. How the potter knows everything and the clay is trying so hard to be anything but who the potter wants him to be. On day three we were taught more about eagles and how we're so much like them in the hands of God. Pushed outta the nest, only to be caught many many times by the mother (God) and brought back to the nest, to only be pushed out again and again... forcing the baby bird to learn how to fly and grow. Truly amazing. The last few days it was more on becoming yourself in God. And asking questions like does God ever actually take away someones free will, ever. My answer to this question is still in the air. But as Brooke said, God is just very powerful with persuashion. :) I thought of Jonah through this question, first thinking right away, "NO He never does." but then God planted the story of Jonah in my head and I couldnt resist bringing it to question. But it never said he made the fish swollow Jonah but simply provided one or had one near by. I encourage everyone to read the book of Jonah, it took me 20 mins and Im one of the slowest readers on earth, but was BLOWN away by it. Gods good. On Friday we did a very good thing about forgiveness and having grace towards ppl who may not have even asked for it. Im still struggling with this a little but understanding more and more about grace with each passing day.
  With this same topic in mind we are reading a book "whats so amazing about grace", and I can honestly say Im being mind blown. Its truly a blessing to read and have a program focussing so much time on trying to better you within your faith. Im blessed.
   There's more freedom coming about the air. and i love every aspect of it! Im grateful to have the oppertunity to grow and stretch the wings the lords given me. Im missing Bubs a great deal but am totally blessed by friends at home that are constantly staying in touch with me. Even letting me still part take in their lives the best I can. Im unsure why they're blessing me as they are, but BOY AM I THANKFUL!
   We just learned a few mins ago that we are gonna go to the Opry this upcoming friday to see Josh Turner. Im kinda excited. Idk his music that well, but Im really wanting to go just for the experience. I figure theyll be a LOT of other extreme things Ill have to do and may not enjoy, why not take the oppertunity to not do something so scary but yet a once in a life time thing happen! Im so stoked. Gods just remarkable!

 Im super excited to run free for a few hrs in Nashville and then boom hit up the greatest place on earth... the opry. Im excited to share that with ya'll!

 Keep us in prayer guys! We NEED IT! Please keep the finances up in prayer... itll be a load of money we need! If you feel lead to give please please please hit me up for details! Its pretty much all on my FB page some place and Id LOVE to give it to you!! Much love and THANKS! Krista June

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Life in a Fort


   Wow! What a time to start writing! After a night like last night I dont even know where to begin. My excitement in the night is far more than anything else in the week. However, I dont wanna rob you of a great week.
   This week we had Troy Sherman speaking. I shared before that we had Dean Sherman's lessons and they were amazing, well, Troy is his son, and so like Father like son, he's teachings were also pretty amazing. I had been sick on Sunday and Monday so had to miss the first day but listened on audio. Right away I knew I was gonna be challenged. But with a great way. Challenged to walk more like a CHRIST-ian and NOT a SALVATION-ian. <- a line he used a lot. Meaning, we are NOT called to save people but instead be LIKE CHRIST! And through that ppl will become saved because of being like him, just as he did. The truth behind these comments has already played a role with me and Im blown away. To be walking in your own skin with Christ there in you, and only walking as he desires is crazy.
    Troy also spoke a lot about being the answer to your own prayer. Meaning dont sit there and beg and pray for change that you can make. He shared this story where a woman had been hearing the voice of God for the first time after seeing many miracles, and God told her to go heal this man. So she went over and prayed over him and NOTHING happened. She was bummed and down and went to him. So he asked, "How much money you have on you?" she replied, "$50" At which point Troy said, "Ok, if you go to that store up a little ways you can buy the medicine thatll heal that man for $1. Tomorrow go and bring the man the medicine and he'll be healed." She would be the answer to her own prayer. He spoke a LOT about this kinda thing and it was mind blowing.
    With that I now challenge myself and also YOU, can YOU be the answer and change to your own prayers? Also, he shared in the USA alone we spent 450BILLION dollars on christmas this year. It would take 10 billion to make sure every mouth was fed in the WORLD! Again, I challenge you, can you make a difference? He shared that in India over 1/3 the crops of rice are eaten by rats but they wont kill the rat because its a God. 1/3 could feed every starving mouth in that country. I again ask, can we do something? You may be thinking, "How its their country and I cant travel there and stop it?" Well, let me say this, theres a LOT of truth to the 6 degree rule. (For you who dont know that means that in every 6th person you can connect that person to someone else you know or have encountered). So, if you act as a CHRIST-ian 24/7 EVERY person you run into sees it and sees the TRUTH for what it is. Are you telling me that eventually people in India wouldnt be touched by the TRUTH of Christ, esp if you're praying for them? We are the change guys. We are what makes the world either more like Christ or not. Its up to you.
   This week has been a break through. Ive been struggling with being 100% myself regardless whats happening. This week basically thats been torched. lol PTL! It was like once I was over being sick I was myself. Weird, did God literally take it all outta me when he took at my energy? I truly feel so. Theres still a few things I need to work on but Im getting better and LOVING it MORE! Hows that real IDK but I am! On Thursday I had a great talk out in the open with the two leaders and said exactly why certain things had upset me and let them know a little more about how I function and how to avoid getting the stubborn forget you attitude. lol. It went really well because I feel I understand them a little more and that what I thought they were wanting from me wasnt right. I shared how I felt about sharing my testimony on one of the first days and that it made me guarded because I was being forced to share something not for the reasons God wants us to.
     (Pam here's the things Gods revealed to me. Sorry it took so long.) 
   In the beginning of December I was asked to share my testimony at church. I was COMPLETELY willing. I wanted to in fact. I had 2 wks to pray on it and figure out what I was going to say. As I was praying the Lord told me, "You are not to share your testimony. You are to give words to people." I sat there and was like, "well, ok Lord, but how are they to know me then? Im sharing to raise money for this trip." He then told me 2 things the first kinda blew me for a bit, "Child, know you? To know YOU is why you tell your testimony? No, child, you've been misunderstanding, your testimony is MY TESTIMONY! Its why I am the truth and the LIFE! NOT about you child." And the second thing he said was, "I will let them know you. You are to play a song." (after I prayed harder and for days he revealed which song, which was one of my own and shared my heart.) I had struggled with this, both of them actually. But everytime I went through what I thought maybe I should share of my testimony (because yes I was planning on disobeying) he told me, "What are you doing?! this is wrong." And I felt VERY CONVICTED! I was very much upset by this and untrusting. But while practicing with Danielle for the song we had talked a few times about obeying God and wanting to be in his will. Which basically confirmed to me that I shouldnt do it and I should listen. (Thanks D.) After that day in church I felt like I shouldnt just being sharing my testimony for people to know me but to make sure that people are hearing the glory of God through it each and every time I do share it.
    I am NOT saying that it is wrong to share testimonies. Im saying I feel, for myself, very convicted that testimonies are meant to bring Glory to the Lord and NEVER so that people just know your history and life. I feel when its done that way 90% of the time Satan is getting much more glory than Jesus, and who wants that? Not I. So I wont share it just so people know me. I realize there are times I may hafta a little bit but I will never go any further than what the Lord tells me.
   Friday night we went to the nursing home here in Adams. Its legit 3 mins away. We played music and sang TONS of hymns. That was really humbling. (Whitney if you read this Im sorry if I get the story way wrong. I only heard what Im attempting to share.) So Whitney was asked by a resident to go down to their bedroom with her. Whitney was kinda hestitate because the resident said she wasnt following the rules. But Whitney felt lead to go so she did. The woman pulls out 25 CENTS  in PENNIES and hands them to Whit and says, "I wanna help you (I THINK in regards to raising money) out and Gods been SO good to me and Ive been saving in order to bless someone, and I wanna bless you." 25 CENTS people! This woman was of her right mind. She wanted to do everything she could to bless others, yes its not a lot but it was EVERYTHING she had!! I wont expand anymore, but I will ask you all to take a min and meditate on that and ask the Lord to give you revalation on that. Cause I was rocked in a HARD WAY!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!
   In the night we went over to our leaders house and played Wii and with their son, Liam. I love that boy. I was EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED , HUNGRYAND FREEZING so when we left my intentions were to shower and go straight to bed. BUT, as always in DTS, nothing goes as planned. lol After my shower I chose to get some food, while I was doing that a classmate started talking to me so I say with him and another mate, at which point we got into a great convo. I love my bros. :) The others had finished their movie and honestly I thought we'd only been talking 20 mins but we'd been talking 2.5 hrs instead. talks like that. Well, Sam squared has what we call a bro-mance. lol and they were having it. Suddenly before we knew it there was 2 mattresses in the lounge and Sams are snuggling. lol yes folks, this is truth. lol Well, like the natural encourager I am I thought Matt should get in on this... so we had all three the boys like this... Matress, Sam then on top... matress Sam.... on top matress Matt... and then pics of course. lol. After it fell over this tower of bros. I suddenly was like "DUDES WE SHOULD MAKE A FORT!!!" and of course.... boys being boys and Celia and I being us... GOT INTO IT FAST!!! in a matter of seconds 7 matresses were in the lounge and the fort building began. After which we hung out inside the fort played truth or lie. Basically the group finds a question they wanna ask one person. that one person gets to answer either honestly or as a lie. then the group each gets to ask a question and after decide if it was true or not. and then the person says if they told the truth or not. It was SO FUN! We got busted at about 12:30--bedtime is midnight. But the leaders thought it was great and joined in for 20 mins or so and then made us go to bed. :) It was SO much fun! ive not had that much fun in the LONGEST TIME!
  I thank God for these siblings. I love them. We have so much fun and are always just enjoying life. But yet we can be serious and enjoy one anothers serious moments too. Im blessed!

I love you guys!
Krista June