Friday, May 17, 2013

Kids club in Jinja

The week started off by planning for a kids club that Ywam Jinja puts on. Matt Harr our school leader had his pastoral visit and so it started off pretty special. Getting notes from home and special treats like white fav! Thanks Sahara! With no real idea what we to do we tried praying knowing we hd 3 days of about 16 hrs totl that needed planning. London got we should do a 3 day story...what better than creation/the fall Christ dying and rising and Holy Spirit? So that's what we did. Skits from the bible and a few silly ones. I never thought we'd have such good actors on our team lol. But we crushed it. Lol. Matt being here was huge making each skit a little better. We ended up with 110 kids from age 3-17. Ptl. There were 5 from a nearby orphanage that appear to be in an ugly situation so we walked them home to check it out. Everything on the outside appears ok...but there's evidence that says otherwise...all circumstantial but my spirit doesn't rest well. So prayer is welcomed for the children there. There's somewhere around 13 kids there. When we went 'mother' the house taker wasn't there 'may return tonight'. As I said somethindoesnt set right in me. I think GAde our translator will be doing ,ore follow up and research on it. Our last day Celia and I had 49 kids 7 and under.... One translator and one other man.... Mayhem is the best way to describe it. But it was good! We each had groups and did lessons with them about what the skits were that day. Gods good and it all went great.
    Tomorrow we head back to Kampala and start our work there. It's gonna be exciting! I'm stoked to finish up here strong! Keep us in prayer!!!! Love all of you!
Krista June

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